Call for Abstarcts

Communications themes

Paper proposals must fall within the field of sport and movement sciences and could correspond to research work in the field of biomechanics, behavioral neuroscience, physiology, human sciences, social sciences or any other field. other discipline linked to research in the field of physical and sporting activities.


Deadline for submissions: June 30, 2024

Return to authors: July 10, 2024

Deadline for sending the final version: 1st September 2024

Communication format

Paper proposals can be in French or English. However, for the sake of consistency, it is strongly recommended to keep the same language between the communication proposal and the oral or displayed presentation.

Three communication possibilities are offered:

- Oral communications in a thematic symposium (15-20 minutes per communication)

- “Free” oral communications (total time: 15 minutes, 12-13 minutes presentation, 2-3 minutes discussion)

- Announced communications (45 minutes)

NB: Due to the essentially limited number of conferences, it is possible that the Scientific Committee may have to ask certain authors to present their proposal in the form of “free” oral communication. Likewise, certain requests for “free” oral communication may be considered in the form of displayed communication. These decisions will in no case correspond to a devaluation of the proposed work since the level of scientific requirements for displayed communications will be the same as for oral communications, but rather to a concern to preserve diversity in oral presentations and balances. . between different disciplinary fields. The Scientific Committee will also be required to organize, synthesize and select proposals for thematic conferences in order to best balance the scientific program.


After expertise, possible corrections and acceptance of the communication proposal by the scientific committee, a Microsoft Word compatible file of the final version of the curriculum vitae must be sent to:

 Format of submissions (example of submission.doc)

  • Guide to abstracts

Proposals for communications (symposium, oral, poster) must be organized as follows:

- A presentation page including: (1) the title of the communication, (2) the name of the authors, (3) the affiliation of the authors, (4) the address and full contact details of the first author, (5) the type of communication requested (6) participation in the Young Researcher prize, (7) the research theme (Biomechanics / Behavioral neuroscience and motor control / Physiology / Human sciences, cognitive sciences and intervention sciences / Social sciences, Management and history), (8) five keywords maximum, (9) Language used (French / English).

- A summary (2 pages maximum) presented in A4 format (210 x 297 mm), with margins of 2 cm (top, bottom, right, left) and a binding margin of 1 cm. The font will be Times New Roman, 12 points, single spaced, the text must be justified. This will be preceded by (1) the title of the communication, the authors, the affiliation of the authors, the email address of the first author and (2) an abstract of 9 lines maximum, and 1 line more for key words, in Times New Roman, 10 points, justified with 1 cm left and right indentation. The titles of the different parts will be left aligned in capital letters and bold. The tables (legends above, centered) and figures (legends below, centered) must be part of the two summary pages, be numbered and referred to in the text. Do not use colors, summaries will be printed in black and white only. References must be presented in the text following APA 5th edition standards.

- Symposium proposals must bring together all the abstracts and present, in addition to the requirements set out above, one page (maximum) of an introductory summary of the symposium. Among all the speakers at the symposium, 3 different research laboratories must be represented.

The two summary pages should be organized as follows:

Line 1: Title of the communication, centered, in 14-point font and in bold
Line 2: without text

Line 3: Authors' names, centered and italicized, 12 points

Line 4 and above: Author affiliations, centered, 12 points

Line 5: First author's email, 10-point font, centered

Line 6: without text

Line 7-15: A short summary of 9 lines maximum, 10 points, indent 1 cm right and left

Line 16: Keywords: Maximum 5 keywords, 10 points

Line 17: without text


Line 19: beginning of text

The titles of the different parts will be aligned to the left and in capital letters, bold type, and will be preceded by a line without text.

Each paragraph will be followed by a line without text.

The tables (legends above, centered) and figures (legends below, centered) must be part of the two summary pages, be numbered and be referred to in the text.

References should be presented in the text as follows: Hammer (1994); Hammer and Sjöqvist (1995); Hammer et al. (1993) or in parentheses (Hammer, 1994; Hammer & Sjöqvist, 1995; Hammer et al., 1993).

The bibliography presented in alphabetical order.

Your communication summary will be printed faithfully to the version submitted. The spelling must be carefully controlled. Paper abstracts that deviate from the submission format will be automatically returned without review. After expertise, possible corrections and acceptance of the communication proposal by the scientific committee, a compressed file, compatible with Microsoft Word of the final version of the summary must be sent to:

The final file must be returned with the mention "final"

(example: first

Information regarding posters and oral communications

- Posters

Format: A0 (841 x 1189 mm)

Page orientation: Portrait

Each poster must be readable from a distance of 1m50 to 2m.

Language used: French or English (Consistency between proposal and communication).

The posters must be installed during the preceding lunch slot on the locations whose numbers appear in the program. Two people from the organization will be available to inform you and help you.
Posters will be removed by participants in the evening after the last symposium.

- Oral presentations

For free oral sessions, you will have 12 minutes to present your work, which will be followed by 3 minutes of questions and answers. For thematic symposia, time is managed by the organizers.

The use of the English language is authorized in presentations (Coherence between proposal and communication).

We would like to draw your attention to respecting the allotted time. Concerned about allowing as many people as possible to communicate, we have established a busy schedule. Time overruns will be very damaging to the running of the congress.

We also ask session moderators to be extremely vigilant on this issue.

To exhibit your work, you will have a computer (Windows XP operating system) allowing video projection of files in Power Point form.

Compliance with these few recommendations should allow the congress to run smoothly and offer everyone the best presentation conditions.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.


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